Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life, the Universe and Everything

Hello all!

My name is Nam. I'm known as Lukerson59 everywhere else, but let me first explain about the change in screen name!

A long time ago, I used to have a LiveJournal in which I would post about my life. It was pretty personal and it was never what I dreamed it all up to be. I used "Lukerson59" because it was a spin-off from my old AOL screen name. It stuck ever since, but it stopped describing me years ago.

I am a nerdy/geeky software engineer. Despite the fact that I sounded like a shy and quiet guy- I wasn't at all. I used to throw these crazy parties at my HOWZ (the proper name for the house I live in). I was pretty social. I defied the stereotype. Some say that I still do. I graduated college almost 2 years ago. Since then, I've had an immense amount of free time to do more things and have had great discussions about topics at length, new and old, big and small... and everything in between.

I'd like to share some of them with you.

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